Full Medical History
When taking a history:
Mnemonic: OPERATES
O Onset of complaint
P Progress of complaint
E Exacerbating factors
R Relieving factors
A Associated symptoms
T Timing
E Episodes of being symptom-free
S Relevant Systemic and general inquiry can be added here
Mnemonic: PILLS
P Pills, is the patient taking any?
I Injections/Insulin/Inhalers (as some patients forget to mention when asked
about their medications)
LL ILLicit drug use
S Sensitivities to anything, ie allergies
In every history, donʼt forget to ask about the ʻFAWRʼ non-specific symptoms that the
patient may exhibit
Mnemonic: FAWR
F Fever
A Appetite
W Weight loss (unintentional)
R Reduced energy (i.e. fatigue/lethargy)
When assessing psychological state:
Mnemonic: SAD CASE
S Suicidal ideations
A Anxiety
D Decreased mood/Delusions/Disordered thought
C Difficulty Concentrating
A Auditory or other hallucinations?
S Difficulties Sleeping
E Eating normally?
Information organization
When asked to discuss a particular disease, the following surgical sieve is widely
regarded as the best way to proceed:
Mnemonic: Dressed In a Surgeons Gown A Physician Might Make Progress
D Definition
I Incidence
S Sex
G Geography
A Aetiology
P Pathogenesis
M Macroscopic pathology
P Prognosis
To remember heart valve auscultation sites:
Mnemonic: All Patients Take Medications
Starting from top left:
Aortic – 2nd intercostal space, right sternal edge
Pulmonary – 2nd intercostal space, left sternal edge
Tricuspid – 4th intercostal space, right sternal edge
Mitral – 5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line
Management through lifestyle alterations
Mnemonic: SLEW
S Smoking cessation
L Low-fat diet
E Exercise
W Weight loss
Management of acute unstable angina
Mnemonic: 2 As and BALI
A Admit, bed rest, high-flow oxygen
A Analgesia
A Aspirin and clopidogrel
B Beta blockers
A Angiography with or without angioplasty/CABG if symptoms fail to improve
L Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
I Infusion of nitrates
Mnemonic: SCAR
S Sudden central pain, ʻtearingʼ in nature, may radiate to the back
C Coronary artery occlusion can lead to chest pain, MI or angina
pectoris/Carotid obstruction can lead to hemiparesis, dysphasia or blackouts
A Anterior spinal artery can be affected leading to paraplegia
R Renal artery can be affected leading to anuria or renal failure
Cardiac arrest
Management, Basic Life Support (BLS)
Mnemonic: ABC
A Airway: clear and maintain with chin lift/jaw thrust/head tilt (if no spinal injury)
B Breathing: look, listen and feel, if not breathing give two life saving breaths
C Circulation: carotid pulse for at least 10 s, if absent give 15 chest
compressions at 100/min
Continue the cycle of 2 breaths and 30 compressions and check the circulation every
minute, proceed to more advanced life support when possible.
Management, Advanced Life Support (ALS)
Mnemonic: CDE (with A after every step)
C Cardiac monitor and defibrillator should be attached to the patient
A Assess rhythm and pulse
D Defibrillate x 3 if VF or pulseless VT, CPR for 1 min
A Assess rhythm and pulse
E EMD (no cardiac output despite ECG showing electrical activity) or asystole
warrants CPR for 3 min
A Assess rhythm and pulse
Mnemonic: ABCD
A ACE inhibitors/Angiotensin-II-antagonists (sometimes Alpha-agonists also)
B Beta blockers
C Calcium channel blockers
D Diuretics (Thiazides)
Aspirin overdose – early symptoms
Mnemonic: DAFT HID
D Deafness
A Appear flushed
F Fever
T Tinnitus
H Hyperventilation
I Increased sweating
D Dizziness
Metabolic acidosis
Mnemonic: UK SLAMS
U Uraemia
K Ketoacidosis
S Salicylates
L Lactic acidosis
A Alcohol
M Methanol
S Sepsis
Paracetamol overdose – (the most common intentional drug overdose in the UK).
Risk factors
Mnemonic: COMAH
C Chronic alcohol abusers
O On drugs that increase cytochrome P450 activity, anti-TB drugs
M Malnourished individuals
A Anorexic patients
H HIV patients
Functions of the skin
Mnemonic: SKIN
S Specialised sensory innervation/Synthesise Vitamin D/Secretes pheromones
for Sex
K Keeps out unwanted molecules, microbes or radiation/Keeps in water,
electrolytes and solutes
I Immunological function; contains antigen-presenting cells
N Normalises heat regulation
Common allergens for allergic contact dermatitis
Mnemonic: CONTACT
C Cutaneous type IV reaction
O Ointments and cosmetics containing lanolin
N Nickel
T Topical antibiotics can cause it (e.g. neomycin)
A Autosensitisation can occur (secondary spread elsewhere)
C Chromates (cement, leather)/Colophony (plasters, glues, inks)
T Topical antihistamines and topical anaesthetics (haemorrhoid creams) can
cause it
Clinical presentation of impetigo
Mnemonic: IMPETIGO
I Infection with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes or both
M Mostly in young children
P Particularly around nose and surrounding parts of face
E Erythematous base with honey-coloured crusts
T Treat with Topical antibiotic such as fusidic acid for localized lesions
I Individuals are highly contagious from skin-to-skin contact; Improve hygiene;
do not share towels
G Gram stain and culture of swab diagnostic
O Oral flucloxacillin required for widespread impetigo
Squamous cell carcinoma
Clinical presentation
Mnemonic: S, CELL, C
S Sun-exposed areas are usually affected: ears, dorsum of the hands, bald
C Crusted, firm, irregular lesion
E Excision used as treatment
L Lower lip can be affected in smokers
L Less likely to metastasise
C Associated with Chronic inflammation such as venous leg ulcers.
Thyroid gland
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is 10 times more common in females & occurs mainly in middle life.
Mnemonic: MOMʼS SO TIRED
M Memory loss
O Obesity
M Malar flush/Menorrhagia
S Slowness
S Skin and hair become dry
O Onset is gradual
T Tired
I Intolerance to cold
R Raised blood pressure
E Energy levels are low
D Depressed
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Mnemonic: SWEATING
S Sweating
W Weight loss
E Emotional lability
A Appetite is increased
T Tremor/Tachycardia due to AF
I Intolerance to heat/Irregular menstruation/Irritability
N Nervousness
G Goitre and Gastrointestinal problems (loose stools/diarrhoea)
Adrenal glands
Causes of Addisonʼs Disease
Mnemonic: ADDISON
A Autoimmune (90% cases)
D Degenerative (amyloid)
D Drugs (ketoconazole)
I Infections (TB, HIV)
S Secondary (low ACTH); hypopituitarism
O Others – adrenal bleeding
N Neoplasia (secondary carcinoma)
Complications of diabetes mellitus
Mnemonic: KEVINS
K Kidney: Nephropathy
E Eye disease: retinopathy and cataracts
V Vascular: coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral
vascular disease
I Infective: TB, recurrent UTIs
N Neuromuscular; Peripheral neuropathy
S Skin: Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, granuloma annulare, diabetic
Abdomen distension
Mnemonic: 6 Fʼs
F Fat
F Fetus
F Flatus
F Faeces
F Fluid
F Flipping great tumour
Chronic liver disease
A Asterixis (ʻliver flapʼ)/Ascites/Ankle oedema/Atrophy of testicles
B Bruising/BP.
C Clubbing/Colour change of nails; white (leuconychia)
D Dupuytrenʼs contracture
E Erythema (palmar)/Encephalopathy
F hepatic Foetor
G Gynaecomastia
H Hepato splenomegaly
I Increase in size of parotids
J Jaundice
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Features of ulcerative colitis
Mnemonic: ULCERS IN Abdomen
U Ulcers (mucosal and submucosal)
L Large intestine (rectum always involved. May extend proximally to involve
entire colon)
C Clubbing
E Extra-intestinal manifestations
R Remnants of old ulcers (pseudopolyps)
S Stools bloody
I Inflamed, red, granular mucosa and sub mucosa
N Neutrophil invasion
A Abscesses in crypts
Complications of ulcerative colitis
Mnemonic: How To Perform GI Colonoscopy
H Haemorrhage
T Toxic megacolon
P Perforation
G Gallstones
C Colorectal carcinoma (in those with extensive disease for > 10 years)
Morphology and symptoms of Crohnʼs disease
Mnemonic: CHRIS Has Too Much Diarrhoea and Abdominal pain
C Cobblestone appearance of mucosa
H High temperature
R Reduced lumen/Rose-thorn ulcers
I Intestinal fistulae/Ileo-caecal region commonly involved (40% of cases)
S Skip lesions
H Hyperplasia of mesenteric lymph nodes
T Transmural inflammation (all layers, may ulcerate)
M Malabsorption
D Diarrhoea (watery)
A Abdominal pain
Sickle cell disease
Mnemonic: SICKLE
S Splenomegaly/Sludging
I Infection
C Cholelithiasis
K Kidney – haematuria
L Liver congestion/Leg ulcers
E Eye changes
Symptoms and sings
Mnemonic: LEUKEMIA (the US spelling!)
L Light skin (pallor)
E Energy decreased/Enlarged spleen, liver, lymph nodes
U Underweight
K Kidney failure
E Excess heat (fever)
M Mottled skin (haemorrhage)
I Infections
A Anaemia
P Platelet disorders: TTP, ITP, DIC
L Leukaemia
A Anaemia
T Trauma
E Enlarged spleen
L Liver disease
E Ethanol
T Toxins: benzene, heparin, aspirin, chemotherapy.
S Sepsis
Immune thromobocytopenic purpura (ITP)
Mnemonic: MAID
M Malignancy
A Autoimmune diseases: SLE, thyroid disease, RA
I Infections: malaria, EBV, HIV/Idiopathic (commonest cause)
D Drugs, e.g. quinine
Mnemonic: BBC
B Bruising
B Bleeding: mucosal and nasal
C Cycles heavy; menorrhagia
Mnemonic: LESS GERMS
L Listeria
E Escherichia coli
S Staphylococcus aureus
S Salmonella
G Giardia lamblia
E Entamoeba histolytica
R Rotavirus
M Mushrooms
S Shigella
Common early symptoms
Mnemonic: Heard A Mosquito
H Headache
A Anorexia
M Myalgia/Malaise
Common later symptoms
Mnemonic: Feel Rather Cold
F Fever (peaks every third day, i.e. tertian)
R Rigors
C Chills
Clinical presentation
Mnemonic: LEProsy
L Loss of sensation in affected skin/Loss of function (paralysis)
E Enlargement of affected superficial nerves (tender too)
P Positive identification of M. leprae under microscope
Groups at high risk of developing infection
Mnemonic: HIV
H Homosexuals (note the rising incidence in Heterosexuals too)/Haemophiliacs
IV IV drug abusers
Cranial bones
Mnemonic: PEST OF 6
P Parietal
E Ethmoidal
S Sphenoid
T Temporal
O Occipital
F Frontal
6 This indicates the number of bones
Branches of the facial nerve
Mnemonic: To Zanzibar By Motorcar
T Temporal nerve
Z Zygomatic nerve
B Buccal nerve
M Marginal mandibular nerve
C Cervical nerve
Clinical conditions
Stroke – investigations
Mnemonic: The 4 Ps
P Plasma: FBC, U&E, ESR, glucose, lipids
P Pump, i.e heart (ECG, echocardiogram)
P Pipes: carotid Doppler ultrasound
P Picture of brain: CT/MRI; detects ischaemia or haemorrhages
Stroke – management
A Advice – lifestyle changes e.g. stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake, lose
B BP control
C Cholesterol control
D Diabetes control
E Elastic stockings (prophylaxis for DVT, PE)
F Fibrillation (anticoagulate, rate control and cardiovert as required)
G Guardian drugs (aspirin, ACE inhibitors, etc)
H Help from occupational therapy (OT), speech and language therapy (SALT)
and specialist stroke nurse
I Incontinence care and limit Immobility (pressure sores and contractures may
develop otherwise)
Aetiology - Bacterial
Mnemonic: NHS
N Neisseria meningitides (children and adults; meningococcus)
H Haemophilus influenzae (children)
S Streptococcus pneumoniae (adults and elderly)/(Streptococcus produces the
Severest meningitis)/Viral
Aetiology - Viral
Mnemonic: V MECH
M Mumps
E Enterovirus/EBV
C Coxsackie virus types A and B
H Haemophilus influenzae/HIV/HSV
Aetiology - Fungal
Mnemonic: 2 Cʼs
C Cryptococcus (associated with HIV infection)
C Candida
Mnemonic: EAT FUN
E Episodic
A Aura – zigzag lines
T Throbbing headache
F Family history/F(p)hoto-phobia
U Unilateral
N Nausea and vomiting
Clinical conditions
Labour - onset
Mnemonic: Ready Mom for Some Discomfort
R Regular and painful uterine contractions
M Membranes ruptured
S ʻShowʼ
D Dilatation and effacement of cervix
Factors that determine the rate and outcome of labour
Mnemonic: 3 Pʼs
P Powers: strength of the uterine contractions
P Passages: size of the pelvic inlet and outlet
P Passengers: fetus – is it big or small, does it have anomalies, is it alive or
Ante-partum haemorrhage (APH) causes
Mnemonic: APH
A Abruption of placenta
P Placenta praevia (or vasa praevia)
H Haemorrhaging from the genitourinary tract
Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) causes
Mnemonic: 4 Tʼs
T Tissue (retained placenta)
T Tone (uterine atony)
T Trauma (traumatic delivery, episiotomy)
T Thrombin (coagulation disorders, DIC)
Endometriosis - symptoms
Mnemonic: Classic ʻquartetʼ of DIPS
D Deep dyspareunia
I Infertility
P Pelvic pain (cyclical)
S Secondary dysmenorrhoea
Menopause - symptoms
Mnemonic: FSH > 20 IU/L
Remembering that this is the most accurate blood test in confirmation of the
F hot Flushes/Female genitalia (vaginal) dryness and burning
S Sweats at night
H Headaches
I Insomnia
U Urge incontinence
L Libido decreases
Menopause – long-term effects
Mnemonic: CONU
C Cardiovascular disease: IHD, stroke, arterial disease
O Osteoporosis: accelerated bone loss leading to osteoporosis and pathological
N Neurological: Alzheimerʼs disease
U Urogenital atrophy: loss of pelvic floor muscle tone
Infertility – causes and risk factors
Mnemonic: INFERTILE (in females)
I Idiopathic
N No ovulation – PCOS, menopause, pituitary disease, thyroid disorders
F Fibroids – physical hindrance
E Endometriosis
R Regular bleeding pattern disrupted – oligo/amenorrhoea
T Tubal disease leading to blocked/damaged cilia
I Increasing age >35 years
L Large size – obesity
E Excessive weight loss – anorexia nervosa
Diseases and conditions
Allergic eye disease
Mnemonic: HFS
H Delayed Hypersensitivity
F HayFever conjunctivitis
S Spring catarrh
Clinical presentation of conjunctivitis
Mnemonic: BURN
B Burning and lacrimation along with itching and possibly photophobia
U Usually bilateral, if unilateral consider another differential diagnosis
R Red and inflamed conjunctiva, eyelids may be stuck together with purulent
N Normally self-limiting, can be treated with antibiotics
Signs of optic neuropathy
Mnemonic: PLAC
P Pale disc
L Loss of visual acuity/Loss of red colour vision
A Afferent pupillary defect
C Central scotoma
Causes of retinal detachment
Mnemonic: SITS
S Secondary to some intraocular problem (melanoma)
I Idiopathic
T Trauma
S Surgery for cataract
The 4 Fs of retinal detachment
Mnemonic: 4 Fʼs
F Floaters (small dark spots on a bright background are generally harmless)
F Flashes (migraine)
F Field loss (dark cloud covers a field of vision)
F Falling acuity (serious)
Causes of excess lacrimation
Mnemonic: FACE
F Foreign body or corneal abrasions
A Acute glaucoma
C Conjunctivitis
E Emotion (typical man, I list this last!)
The new born baby
Resuscitation - Indications
Mnemonic: IF KEMPT
I Instrumental delivery
F Fetal distress
K Known congenital abnormality
E Emergency caesarean section
M Multiple births
P Prematurity
T Thick meconium stains the liquor
Congenital abnormalities
Features of Downʼs Syndrome
Mnemonic: DOWNS
D Dysplastic ears/Dysplastic pelvis (seen on X-ray)
O Occiput is flat/Overly large tongue
W Widely spaced 1st and 2nd toes and a high-arched palate/Weak/ʼfloppyʼ baby
N Neck skin abundant
S Short, broad hands with single palmar crease/Slanting eyes/Speckled iris
(Brushfieldʼs spots)
Developmental assessment
Primitive reflexes
Mnemonic: MPRAG
M Moro
P Placing reflex
R Rooting
A Atonic neck reflex
G Grasp reflex
Infant nutrition
Breastfeeding - advantages
Mnemonic: PACES
P Psychological satisfaction
A Anti-infective property/Atopic disorders risk .
C Convenient
E Expenseless, ie free
S Stimulates growth and development
Breastfeeding - disadvantages
Mnemonic: KIDS
K vitamin K deficiency in breast-milk
I Infection transmission risk eg HIV
D Drugs excreted in milk
S Stressful and tiring for mother
Acute presentations – the acutely ill child
Four main nodes of presentation of serious illness in children
Mnemonic: SURE
S Shock
U Unconscious/drowsy/fitting child
R Respiratory distress
E Emergencies (surgical)
Clinical presentation of brain tumours
Mnemonic: BAN HENS
B Blurred vision
A Ataxia (clumsiness)
N Nystagmus
H Headache
E Endocrine dysfunction
N Nausea and vomiting
S Squint (6th nerve palsy)
Causes of respiratory failure
P Pneumonia
C Cystic fibrosis/Croup
F Foreign body
E Epiglottitis
D Drug ingestion
B Bronchiolitis
R Raised ICP
A Asthma
H Head injury
M Meningitis/muscle weakness
S Severe cardiac failure
Chronic presentations
Presentation of asthma
Mnemonic: CWS
C Cough (dry/nocturnal/worse with exercise)
W Wheeze
S Shortness of breath
Life threatening attack of asthma
Mnemonic: CHEST
C Cyanosis/Confusion/Coma
H Hypotension
E Exhaustion
S Silent chest
T Threatening PEFR <33% predicted in those above 5 years old
Chronic diarrhoea
Mnemonic: 5 Cʼs
Inflammatory causes of chronic diarrhoea include:
C Crohnʼs disease
C Ulcerative Colitis
Malabsorptive causes of chronic diarrhoea include:
C Cystic fibrosis
C Coeliac disease
C Cowʼs milk intolerance
Features of Stillʼs disease
Mnemonic: STILLS
S Spiking illness/Severe malaise
T There could be myalgia/arthralgia
I Increased size of liver/spleen
L Lose weight, anaemia
L Looks like malignancy
S Salmon-pink rash
Symptoms and signs in psychiatric disorders
Causes of delirium
Mnemonic: DELIRIUM
D Degenerative
E Epilepsy (post-ictal states)
L Liver failure
I Intracranial (injury to the head, subarachnoid haemorrhage, TIA, meningitis,
cerebral abscess)
R Rheumatic chorea
I Infections – pneumonia, septicaemia
U Uraemia
M Metabolic – electrolyte imbalance
Disorders due to psychoactive substances
Mnemonic: CAGE questionnaire
C Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking?
A Have people Annoyed you by commenting on your drinking?
G Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?
E Have you ever needed a drink first thing in the morning to get rid of a
hangover or for nerves (Eye opener)?
>1 ‘yes’ answer makes alcoholism likely
Schizophrenia and delusional disorders
Positive symptoms (sometimes called type I schizophrenic symptoms)
Mnemonic: THREAD
T Thinking may become disturbed, neologism usage
H Hallucinations may occur, usually auditory
R Reduced contact with reality, the natural barrier between subjective and
objective deteriorates
E Emotional control may be disturbed with inappropriate laughter or anger
(incongruous affect)
A Arousal may lead to worsening of symptoms
D Delusions may occur
Negative symptoms (sometimes called type II schizophrenic symptoms)
Mnemonic: LESS
L Loss of volition, underactivity and social withdrawal
E Emotional flatness, lose normal modulation of mood
S Speech is reduced, monosyllabic if at all
S Slowness in thought and movement, psychomotor retardation may occur
Mood (affective) disorders
Symptoms of depression
Mnemonic: SLUMP
S Suicidal ideation or plans
L Lack of: interest, enjoyment (anhedonia), energy, appetite or libido
U Unworthiness
M Early Morning waking
P Poor concentration/Psychomotor retardation or agitation
Suicide – risk factors
S Sex (male)
A Age (older)
D Depression
P Previous attempt
E Excessive alcohol or substance abuse
R Rational thinking, loss of
S Sickness (chronic illness)
O Organised plan
N No social supports
S Stated intention to self-harm
Diseases and conditions
Detection of acute renal failure (ARF)
Mnemonic: ACUte
A Acute presentation over hours or days
C Creatinine rises
U Urea rises (±oliguria <400 ml/24 h)
Causes acute renal failure (ARF)
Mnemonic: ACUte
A ATN/Acute GN
C Circulatory dysfunction (i.e. shock – hypovolaemia, sepsis, cardiogenic)
U Urinary outflow obstruction
Clinical presentation of chronic renal failure
Mnemonic: RESIN & 8 Pʼs
R Retinopathy
E Excoriations (scratch marks)
S Skin is yellow
I Increased blood pressure
N Nails are brown
P Pallor
P Purpura and bruises
P Pericarditis and cardiomegaly
P Pleural effusions
P Pulmonary oedema
P Peripheral oedema
P Proximal myopathy
P Peripheral neuropathy
Complicated urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Mnemonic: MARIO
M Male patients
A Abnormal renal tract
R Renal function is impaired
I Impaired host defences
O Organism that is virulent
Risk factors for UTIs
Mnemonic: UTIs
U Urinary tract obstruction or malformation
T The menopause
I Intercourse (sexual)/Instrumentation/Immunosuppression
S female Sex/Stones
Indications for
Mnemonic: AEIOU
A Acid–base problems (severe acidosis or alkalosis)
E Electrolyte problems (hyperkalaemia)
I Intoxications
O Overload, fluid
U Uraemic symptoms
Mnemonic: SHARPE
S Severity of condition increases
H Hyperkalaemia persistent (K+ >7 mmol/l)
A Acidosis is metabolic and worsening (pH <7.2 or base excess <–10)
R Refractory pulmonary oedema
P Pericarditis (uraemic)
E Encephalopathy (uraemic)
Complications of dialysis
Mnemonic: CHAIR
C Cardiovascular disease
H Hypertension
A Anaemia
I Infections
R Renal bone disease
Urinary tract malignancies
Features of renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
Mnemonic: RCC
R Renal tubule (proximal) epithelium is involved
C Renal Cancers are 90% RCC
C Clinical features include haematuria, loin pain, abdominal mass, anorexia,
malaise and weight loss
Diseases and conditions
Definition of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Mnemonic: ROAR
R Reduced lung compliance
O Oedema, non-cardiogenic pulmonary
A Acute respiratory failure
R Refractory hypoxaemia
Causes of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Mnemonic: ARDS
A Aspiration-gastric/Acute pancreatitis/Amniotic fluid embolus
R Raised ICP/Respiratory tract infection – pneumonia
S Sepsis/Shock/Smoke inhalation/Severe burns
Risk factors of asthma
Mnemonic: FEAR UP
F Family history
E Eczema
A Acid reflux
R Rhinitis (allergic)
U Urticaria
P Polyps (nasal)
History of asthma
Mnemonic: WIND
W Wheeze
I Interferes with schooling, exercise, sleep and work
N Nocturnal cough, or early morning cough
D Dyspnoea
Clinical manifestations of influenza infection
Mnemonic: FLU
F Fever
L Lethargy
U Upset appetite (nausea and vomiting)
Features of Tuberculosis (TB)
Mnemonic: 4 Cʼs
C Cough
C Caseation
C Calcification
C Cavitation
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
R Rheumatoid factor (RF) +ve in 80%/Radial deviation of wrist
H HLA-DR1 and DR-4
E ESR/Extra-articular features (restrictive lung disease, subcutaneous nodules)
U Ulnar deviation of fingers
M Morning stiffness/MCP+PIP joint swelling
A Ankylosis/Atlanto–axial joint subluxation/Autoimmune/ANA +ve in 30%
T T-cells (CD4)/TNF
I Inflammatory synovial tissue (pannus)/IL-1
S Swan-neck deformity, Boutonniere deformity, Z-deformity of thumb
M Muscle wastage of small muscles of hand
DMARDs (Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs)
Mnemonic: Most Sufferers Can Get Appropriate Pain Control
M Methotrexate
S Sulfasalazine
C Ciclosporin
G Gold
A Azathioprine
P Penicillamine
C HydroxyChloroquine
Joint pain
A Arthritis – rheumatoid or osteoarthritis
R Reactive arthritides
T Tendon/muscle damage
H Hyperuricaemia; gout
R Referred pain
I AutoImmune, eg connective tissue disease – systemic sclerosis, SLE
T Tumour
I Ischaemia
S Sepsis/Spondyloarthritides
Features of Ankylosing spondylitis
Mnemonic: SPINAL
S Sacroiliac and low back pain
P Pleuritic chest pain
I Inherited gene marker: HLA-B27 (>90% HLA-B27 +ve, general population
frequency – 8%)
N Neck hyperextension – question mark posture
A Arthritic symptoms in peripheries (asymmetrical)
L Loss of spinal movement which is progressive
Components of CREST syndrome
Mnemonic: CREST
C Calcinosis
R Raynaudʼs phenomenon
E OEsophageal dysmotility
S Sclerodactyly
T Telangiectasia
Abdominal wall muscles
Mnemonic: TIRE
T Transversus abdominis
I Internal oblique
R Rectus abdominis
E External oblique
Bowel components
Mnemonic: Dr Jones Investigates Carefully And Cuts Randomly
From proximal to distal:
D Duodenum
J Jejunum
I Ileum
C Caecum
A Appendix
C Colon
R Rectum
Clinical conditions
Initial management of all surgical emergencies
Mnemonic: 4 Aʼs, 2 Cʼs, 2 Nʼs (could be remembered as a set of GCSE results!)
A ABC assessment
A Analgesia, eg morphine
A Anti-emetic
A Aggressive fluid resuscitation – IV fluids and electrolyte replacement
C Central venous pressure (CVP) line – may be needed
C Catheter (urinary)
N Nil by mouth (NBM)
N Nasogastric (NG) tube
Post-operative complications
General immediate
Mnemonic: PROBS
P Primary haemorrhage/Pain
R Reactive haemorrhage
O Oliguria – acute urinary retention
B Shock/Sepsis
General early
Mnemonic: ABCDE
A Analgesia- or Anaesthetic-related nausea + vomiting
B Breakdown of wound or anastomosis due to infection or haematoma –
dehiscence / ↓BP – ↓fluid input → hypovolaemia →↓BP
C Confusion – acute
D DVT leading possibly to PE
E Elevated temperature – pyrexia
General late
Mnemonic: RIB
R Recurrence of malignancy
I Incisional hernia
B Bowel obstruction
Lumps and bumps
Mnemonic: 3 Sʼs, 3 Cʼs, 3 Tʼs and the Fʼer
3Ss Site, Size, Shape
3Cs Colour, Consistency, Contour
3Ts Tenderness, Tethering, Transillumination
Fʼer Fluctuance
Groin lump: differential diagnosis
Mnemonic: Surgeons Like To Manage Various Hernias
S Spermatic cord (lipoma, hydrocoele)/Skin (sebaceous cyst)
L Lymph nodes
T Testicle (ectopic, undescended)
M Muscle (psoas abscess)
V Vascular (femoral artery aneurysm, saphena varyx)
H Hernias (inguinal, femoral)
Cubital fossa contents
Mnemonic: Please Remember Be Brave Medically
From lateral to medial:
P Posterior interosseus nerve
R Radial nerve
B Biceps tendon
B Brachial artery
M Median nerve
Adductor muscles of thigh
Mnemonic: Post-Graduates Love their Bachelor Of Medicine
P Pectineus
G Gracilis
L Adductor Longus
B Adductor Brevis
O Obturator nerve innervates all these muscles expect for the pectineus
(femoral nerve). Part of the adductor magnus is supplied by the sciatic nerve
M Adductor Magnus
Clinical conditions
Painful neck - differentials
Mnemonic: Jock STRAP
J Jerking back of the head and neck, ie whiplash
S Spondylosis/Spondylolisthesis of cervical discs
T Torticollis (spasmodic/infantile)
R Cervical Rib
A Abnormal posture
P Prolapsed cervical disc
Carpel tunnel syndrome – causes and risk factors
Mnemonic: CARPAL
C Cardiac failure/Combined OCP use
A Acromegaly
R Renal disorder – nephrotic syndrome/Raised glucose levels; DM
P Pregnancy/Poor thyroid function; hypo-thyroidism
A Arthritis of the wrist (rheumatoid, osteoarthritis)
L Large size – obesity
Painful back - differentials
Mnemonic: TOMS DIScman
T Tumours of spine
O Osteoporosis/Osteomalacia
M Mechanical
S Spondylolisthesis
D Disc prolapse/lesion
I Infection
S Stenosis of lumbar spine/lateral recess (due to facet joint osteoarthritis)
Differential diagnosis of a limp
S Septic joint
T Tumour
A Avascular necrosis (Legg–Calve–Pertheʼs)
R Rheumatoid arthritis/juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
T Tuberculosis
S Sickle cell disease
S Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE)
O Osteomyelitis
T Trauma
Soft tissue injuries - treatment
Mnemonic: RICE (protocol employed in the 1st 24 hours following the injury)
R Rest
I Ice
C Compression
E Elevation
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