Anatomy Mnemonics PART 2
Vagal Nerve Path Into Thorax
“Not Left Behind”: Left is anterior (not behind), Right is
Lung Vessels
“RALS”: Right lung artery is Anterior to broncus, Left lung
Structures Piercing The Diaphragm
“I 8 10 Eggs At 12”
T8 = IVC, T10 = Esophagus, T12 = Aorta
Heart Valves
“RAT, LAMB”: Right Atrial Tricuspid, Left Atrial Mitral
(Bicuspid) – or –
“LAB RAT”: Left Atrial Bicuspid, Right Atrial Tricuspid
Spinal Nerves
“C3-4-5 keep the phrenic nerve (or diaphragm) alive”
“C5-6-7 raise your arms to heaven” (long thoracic nerve
roots innervate serratus anterior)
Scrotum Layers (superficial to deep)
“Some Dang Englishman Called It The Testis”
Skin, Dartos, External spermatic fascia,
Cremaster, Internal spermatic fascia, Tunica
Innervation of the Penis
“S2,3,4 keep the penis off the floor”
Refers to the innervation of the penis by branches of the
pudendal nerve, which is derived
from spinal cord levels S2-4.
Point, Shoot, Score
Parasympathetic for erection, Sympathetic for ejaculation,
Somatomotor for …
Great Vessels
Aortic arch gives off the Brachiocephalic trunk, the left
Common carotid, and the left Subclavian arterY
Portal Triad
bile Duct, hepatic Artery, portal Vein
Liver Lobes
The Gallbladder is next to the Quadrate lobe
Pathway After Stomach
“Dow Jones Industrial Climbing Average Closing Stock
Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Cecum, Appendix, Colon
(ascending/transverse), Sigmoid colon, Rectum
It measures 1x3x5 inches, weighs 7 ounces and lies
between ribs 9-11.
Thoracic Duct
“The duck is between two gooses.”
duck = thoracic duct
2 gooses = azyGOUS vein and esophaGOUS
“Brent Spiner Gained Lieutenant Commander”
Basale, Spinosum, Granulosum, Lucidum, Corneum
Nasal Cavity Components
“Never Call Me Needle Nose!”
external Nares, Conchae, Meatuses, internal Nares,
Scalp Layers (superficial to deep)
Connective tissue,
Loose areolar tissue,
Horner’s Syndrome Symptoms
Sunken eyeballs/Symphathetic plexus (cervical) affected,
Ptosis, Anhydrosis,Miosis
Bell’s Palsy Symptoms (Unilateral)
“BELL’S Palsy”
Blink reflex abnomal,
Lacrimation (deficient, excess),
Loss of taste,
Sudden onset,
Palsy of VII nerve muscles
Potentially Absent Muscles
“5 P’s”
Palmaris longus [upper limb]
Plantaris [lower limb]
Peroneus tertius [lower limb]
Pyramidalis [anterior abdominal wall]
Psoas minor [posterior abdominal wall]
Facial Bones
“Virgil Can Not Make My Pet Zebra Laugh!”
Vomer, Conchae, Nasal, Maxilla,
Mandible, Palatine, Zygomatic, Lacrimal
Deep Tendon Reflexes Root Supply
S1,2 = ankle jerk
L3,4 = knee jerk
C5,6 = biceps and brachioradialis
C7,8 = triceps
Supraorbital Fissure
Structures that pass through it:
“Luscious French Tarts Sit Naked In Anticipation Of
Lacrimal nerve, Frontal nerve, Trochlear nerve, Superior
branch of oculomotor nerve, Nasociliary nerve, Inferior
branch of oculomotor nerve, Abducent nerve, Ophthalmic
veins, Sympathetic nerves
Cranial Bones
“Old People From Texas Eat Spiders”
Occipital, Parietal, Frontal, Temporal, Ethnoid, Sphenoid
Extraocular Muscles
“LR6 – SO4 – rest3″ or “(SO4LR6)3”
LR6 Lateral rectus –> VI abducens
SO4 Superior Oblique –> IV Trochlear
Remaining 4 eyeball movers –> III oculomotor
Branches of Suclavian Artery
“VT is Cold”
Vertebral, Thyrocervical trunk, Costocervical trunk
External Carotid Artery Branches
“Some Anatomists Like Freaking Out Poor Medical
Students” or “Suzy Always Lays Flat On Pillows Making
Sweets Terrific”
Superior thyroid, Ascending pharyngeal,
Lingual, Facial, Occipital, Posterior auricular, Maxillary,
Superificial Temporal
Internal Jugular Vein (inferior to superior)
“Medical Schools Let Confident People In”
Middle thyroid, Superior thyroid, Lingual, Common facial,
Pharyngeal, Inferior petrosal sinus
Facial Nerve Branches
“Please, To Zanzibar By Motor Car” or “Ten Zombies
Bought My Car”
Posterior auricular, Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal,
Masseteric, Cervical
Trigeminal Nerve – Where Branches Exit Skull
“Standing Room Only”
Superior orbital fissure (V1), foramen Rotundum (V2),
foramen Ovale (V3)
Ansa Cervicalis Nerves
“GHost THought SOmeone STupid SHot Irene”
GenioHyoid, ThyroHyoid, Superior mohyoid, SternoThyfoid,
SternoHyoid, Inferior omohyoid
Cervical Plexus – Arrangement of Important Nerves
“GLAST” 4 compass points, clockwise from north on
the right side of neck:
Great Aucular
Lesser occipital,
Accessory nerve (pops out between L and S),
Transverse cervical
CN V – V3 Innervated Muscles (Brachial Arch 1
“M.D. My T.V.”
Mastication (masseter, temporalis, pterygoids),
Digastric (anterior
tensor Tympani, tensor Veli palatini
V3 Sensory Branches
“Buccaneers Are Inferior Linguists”
Buccal, Auriculotemporal, Inferior alveolar,
Facial expression muscles
(Making A Face To Say PSS)
“PSS”: Posterior belly of digastric, Stapedius, Stylohyoid
Lacrimal Nerve Course
(Story of 8 L’s)
Lacrimal nerve runs on Lateral wall of orbit above Lateral
rectus, then Lets
communicating branch join in, then supplies Lacrimal
gland, then Leaves it and supplies
Lateral upper eye Lid
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