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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Marfan Syndrome

Marfan Syndrome  is an autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder.

Epidemiology and Aeitiology
-          25% of cases occur without family history
-          Reduced life expectancy – average is around 60
-          The result of a mutation in the fibrillin-1 gene (FBN-1) which results in decreased production of extracellular microfibril. Microfibril is involved in the maintenance of elastic fibres, and as a result, there is an alteration in the properties of elastic fibres

Signs and Symptoms
These can be divided into major and minor signs:
-          Major signs – diagnostic is >2 present
o   Long limbs, tall, long, spindly fingers (arachnodactyly)
§ The thumb sign – the distal phalanx of the thumb extends beyond the edge of the clenched fist
o   Arm length height
o   Upwards lens dislocation in the eye (aka ectopia lentis) – the margin of the dislocation lens may been seen through an undilated pupil
o   Pectus deformity (e.g. excavatum or carinatum [outwards])
o   Aortic dissection / dilatiation – particularly at the aortic root. The arotic media is less resistant to stretching, particularly in areas of high pressure – hence the involvement of the aortic root. In severe cases, dissection can occur before the age of 10! Aortic regurg and endocarditis are also common
o   Dural ectasia – widening of the neural canal
-          Minor signs – may support diagnosis
o   Mitral valve prolapse – and accompanying late systolic murmur at the apex
o   High arched palate – can cause altered / unusual voice in some patients
o   Joint Hypermobility
o   Genu recuvatum – hyperextension of the knee, thus is appears to curve backwards
o   Scoliosis
o   Reduced subcutaneous fat

-          Usually clinical. CT scan may be useful to detect dural ectasia

-          The disease is incurable.
-          Treatment aims to minimise the risk of aortic dissection by preventing excessive dilation of the aortic root. This is usually managed with:
o   Β- blockers – e.g. atenolol, propanolol – these reduce the contractility of the heart, and thus reduce the pressure in the aortic root, reducing the risk of dilation and dissection
o   Annual Echocardiogram – dilation of >5cm is repaired surgically

o   Risk in pregnancy – pregnant women are at particularly high risk of cardiac complications.


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